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Rowan Park School

Behaviour for Learning

At Rowan Schools we aim to ensure that all children can learn and succeed in a happy, safe and caring environment. We strive to deliver a focus on supporting pupils with dysregulation to ensure our children develop the skills to ‘Control oneself by oneself, in order to improve their ability to self-regulate and to gain (or regain) a sense of control over one’s behaviour and life

“Someone who has good emotional self-regulation has the ability to keep their emotions in check. They can resist impulsive behaviours that might worsen their situation, and they can cheer themselves up when they’re feeling down. They have a flexible range of emotional and behavioural responses that are well matched to the demands of their environment” Bell (2016)

We work to develop pupil’s behavioural self-regulation; ‘allowing us to feel one way but act another’ as well as develop pupils emotional self-regulation; ‘control of—or, at least, influence over—your emotions’, in order to develop their understanding of self-efficacy and the influence this plays on our thoughts, feelings, motivations, and actions. Allowing them to develop essential life skills in preparation for adulthood.   

We ask parents to support us by:

  • Upholding the school’s aims and ethos
  • Attending the school on request if there is an issue to be discussed
  • Never seeking to undermine the school’s authority on the implementation of school rules.

Governing Body and Headteacher

The governing body and Headteacher will establish the policy for good behaviour and review it every year. They will consult with staff and parents and ensure that it meets the high expectations expected of everybody involved in the school. The Headteacher will be responsible for implementing the policy and will uphold the school rules fairly and equally.

All staff will be responsible for ensuring good discipline and behaviour in lessons, around school and going to and from school.

Consequences and Support

The school supports children and young people who may display challenging behaviour and recognizes that all behaviour has a function.  Therefore, we work closely with parents/cares to support pupils and identify proactive strategies to manage and minimized times when children may present in this way

In the event of an incident resulting in possible harm to the student/pupil, member of staff or significant damage to property we understand of the need to have a duty of care, and may have to intervene if absolutely necessary.  Therefore, with the use of a dynamic risk assessment positive handling plans will be adhered to.

The vast majority of our pupils are well behaved and positive in their attitudes; this is supported by Ofsted reports and by all the visitors and external agencies who we work with.  However, sanctions need to be used if and when poor behaviour takes place. There is a graduated scale of consequences depending on the severity of the offence, which is balanced with the need to develop pupil’s knowledge and awareness of self-regulation skills and coping strategies.

Fixed term exclusions are used sparingly and only in severe cases. Permanent exclusions will be used in matters of serious misbehaviour or where the safety of pupils and staff is at risk.


For more information please click on the below links:

Behaviour Management Policy

Care and Control Policy