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Rowan Park School


Please find within this page a list of our full governing body. All Committee members are appointed by the full governing body and all governors ‘term of office’ lasts 4 years.

If a governor leaves office within this time their position will become vacant and an advert will be sent out to fill the vacancy.

At present there are no declaration of business interests of any governor of The Rowan Schools. This register of information can be sought through the Clerk to Governors, Miss L Hughes, who is based at Rowan Park School. 


The Governing Body of The Rowan Schools consists of: 

 Headteacher: Ms K Lynskey


Chair (Community Governor): Ms J Gregg

Prior to retiring, I was a consultant in developmental paediatrics with a special interest in autism and set up diagnostic assessments teams in both Liverpool and Sefton. From 1993 to 2016 I was the paediatrician for the Rowan schools.

Over the years, I have worked with three head teachers, so many amazing parents  and seen vast and exciting changes.

A significant amount as my time as a paediatrician was working in the field of child protection and I was designated doctor for safeguarding for Sefton’s Local Safeguarding Children’s Board for 10 years.

I spend a lot of my spare time walking our golden retriever with my husband and visiting our three sons. 

Vice Chair (Community Governor): Mrs J Mangan

I wanted to become a Governor when my youngest son was a pupil at Rowan Park. My experience of SEND was limited and I wanted to learn more about SEND to become an effective member of the Governing Board.  It has been a learning curve which I have enjoyed and hope I have contributed positively to the Board.  I pride myself on being involved in the School's activities to ensure the pupils know I am invested in their school. I keep myself updated to current and local needs in order to remain an informed and proactive member of the Governing Board. I am a retired Registered Nurse, with experience in A&E and also as a Specialist Nurse in COPD.  I like to spend my spare time with my family and help my son learn new skills and experiences to maximise his potential.   

Community Governor: Vacancy

Community Governor: Mrs P Rigby

 Parent Governor: Mrs J Farnworth

I am a very proud mum to two children; one of whom has Autism and attends Rowan Park School. I have been a Primary School teacher since 2006 and feel passionate that all children have the right to access a creative and purposeful curriculum. I am a huge advocate of Rowan Park School and enjoy being part of the School Governing body; representing our children and fellow parents and their views. I am also the Curriculum Governor, forming part of a team responsible for overseeing the planning, delivery and assessment of the school curriculum. 

 Parent Governor: Mrs N Quinn

 Parent Governor: Ms N Thomas

 Staff Governor: Mr P Pennington

I currently work at Rowan High teaching Land Based Studies and Forest School.

I have also worked at Rowan Park School mainly teaching in our PMLD class but I have taught across the school. I really enjoy teaching and feel privileged to work as part of The Rowan Schools. I have worked at The Rowan Schools for 7 years in

In my spare time I like to explore different countries on holiday and eat out at as much as possible

I believe in Rowan Schools and want the children to receive the best education possible .

I am happy to be the staff governor elected by staff on all sights and will endeavour to support any staff in any way I can. As well as working with the governors to support the education delivered at Rowan School

Clerk to Governors: Miss L Hughes

Our Clerk to Governors is Miss L Hughes who is based at Rowan Park School. You can contact her via email l.hughes@rowanpark.co.uk or alternatively you can call 0151 222 4894.



Additional Information:

School Governors Terms & Roles:

Governor Terms & Roles

Attendance Records:




Terms of Reference:

Finance, Personnel & Environment

Standards & Curriculum

Wellbeing & Safety

Supplemental Funding Agreement:

 Supplemental Funding Agreement

National Governors' Association (NGA) 

The National Governors’ Association (NGA), of which we are a member, offer a variety of services that all our governors can access.

Telephone: 0121 237 3780 or www.nga.org.uk